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KÓTA50 concert at Bartók Radio

The KÓTA50 jubilee concert, which was orginzed at the Academy of Music Budapest on 19th June 2022, was on air on 14th September 2022 from 20:50 at Bartók Radio.

You can hear our Male Choir with MÁV Male Choir, Szolnok and Padrag Miners Choir at the Male Choirs section from 21:18:00!



Lajos Bárdos - Dana-dana

Zoltán Gárdonyi - Jere bé, violám

Zoltán Kodály - Huszt


KÓTA50 jubilee concert - 19th June 2022


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Wine goes hand in hand with songs
in every culture, but only the hungarians
have “winesongs” – you would think so.